
1   Main thematic overview

Main thematic overview

2   Secondary topics

2.1   Employing Matlab/Octave with Fesslix

Matlab/Octave & Fesslix
  • Tutorial 1c: Reliability analysis with Matlab/Octave limit-state function
  • Tutorial 2b: Bayesian inference with Matlab/Octave likelihood function

2.2   Employing Python with Fesslix

Python & Fesslix

2.3   Coupling external applications with Fesslix

Compling with an external executable

If the source code of an external application is not available, usually, the only way to use the external application is by means of its executable. If the executable can be completely controled through (text-based) input files and if the executable stores its results in (text-based) output files, the external application can be coupled to Fesslix.

Coupling with external executables
  • Tutorial 1g shows how the results from an external application call can be used as limit-state function in a reliability analysis.

Compling with external libraries (library is linked to Fesslix)

Coupling with external libraries
  • Tutorial 1e shows how a C++-library can be used as limit-state function in a reliability analysis.
  • Tutorial 1f shows how a Fortran-library can be used as limit-state function in a reliability analysis.

Compling with external libraries (library not linked to Fesslix)

The following projects demonstrate how external libraries can be loaded in Fesslix (without requiring that the library itself is linked to Fesslix):
Source code: coupling external C++-library with Fesslix

In this project an external C++-library is coupled with Fesslix at run-time.


Source code: coupling external Fortran-library with Fesslix

In this project an external Fortran-library is coupled with Fesslix at run-time.


2.4   Writing an application that uses Fesslix

The following project demonstrates how an external C++ application can be written that uses Fesslix as a library. This means you can directly integrate e.g. reliability analysis and Bayesian inference in your application – without the need to separately call Fesslix.
Source code: stand-alone application that uses Fesslix

This archive contains a template for a C++ stand-alone application that uses Fesslix. Consequently, you can directly integrate e.g. reliability analysis and Bayesian inference in your application – without the need to separately call Fesslix.


3   Download all tutorials

Archive containing all tutorials

This archive contains all tutorials (see Tutorials).

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