Tutorial 4c – Finite cell plate problem

In this tutorial we use Fesslix to analyze the plate problem from the previous tutorial (Tutorial 4b) using the finite cell approach to solve the problem.

1   Mechanical model

As in Tutorial 4b, we investigate the problem of the following linear elastic finite element plate with a hole:

Figure 1: Linear elastic finite element plate with a hole investigated in this tutorial.

where the distributed load q is 5kN/m. The Young's modulus of the plate is , and the thickness of the plate is 0.1m.

2   Step by Step Instruction

2.1   Define the mesh

Fesslix parameter file
#! ===============================
#! Load the FE module
#! ===============================

loadlib "fem";

#! ===============================
#! Generate the mesh
#! ===============================
# Higher-order shape functions are employed. 
# The maximum polynomial order of the shape functions is:
const FEPOX = 8;    # in horizontal (x) direction
const FEPOY = 8;    # in vertical   (y) direction

#! -------------------------------
#! Define the geometry
#! -------------------------------
# The geometry is defined in parametric form. 
# Let gx and gy be the global x- and y-coordinates, respectively. 
# For a plate in domain [-2,-2] to [2,2], we can write:
var geof = gx^2+gy^2-1;
# where 'geof' is >=0 if we are inside the domain; and <0 if we are outside.
# Note that geof is a simple variable that we will use when setting up the mesh. 

#! -------------------------------
#! Define the nodes
#! -------------------------------

node 0 [-2,-2];
node 1 [0, -2] fix wx;
node 2 [2, -2];
node 3 [-2, 0];
node 4 [0,  0];
node 5 [2,  0];
node 6 [-2, 2];
node 7 [0,  2];
node 8 [2,  2];

#! -------------------------------
#! Define the edges
#! -------------------------------

# Control the mesh size
  const ref_x = 1;    # do not sub-divide horizontal edges
  const ref_y = 0.5;  # split-up vertical edge in two

# Edges at bottom of plate:
  edge 1 0 1       # edge 1 from node 0 to node 1
    fix wx 0.0     # fix horizontal displacement along edge
      FEPOX,       # max. polynomial order for horizontal displacement DOFs
    fix wy 0.0     # fix vertical   displacement along edge 
      FEPOY        # max. polynomial order for vertical displacement DOFs
      refine=(true,          # refine this mesh
              max=ref_x);    # number of sub-elements: 1/ref_x
  edge 2 1 2 fix wx 0.0 FEPOX, fix wy 0.0 FEPOY { refine=(true,max=ref_x); };
# All other horizontal edges of plate
  edge 3 3 4  free wx FEPOX, free wy FEPOY { refine=(true,max=ref_x); };
  edge 4 4 5  free wx FEPOX, free wy FEPOY { refine=(true,max=ref_x); };
  edge 5 6 7  free wx FEPOX, free wy FEPOY { refine=(true,max=ref_x); };
  edge 6 7 8  free wx FEPOX, free wy FEPOY { refine=(true,max=ref_x); };
# Vertical edges of plate:
  edge 7 0 3  free wx FEPOY, free wy FEPOX { refine=(true,max=ref_y); };
  edge 8 4 1  free wx FEPOY, free wy FEPOX { refine=(true,max=ref_y); };
  edge 9 2 5  free wx FEPOY, free wy FEPOX { refine=(true,max=ref_y); };
  edge 10 6 3 free wx FEPOY, free wy FEPOX { refine=(true,max=ref_y); };
  edge 11 4 7 free wx FEPOY, free wy FEPOX { refine=(true,max=ref_y); };
  edge 12 8 5 free wx FEPOY, free wy FEPOX { refine=(true,max=ref_y); };

#! -------------------------------
#! Define the faces
#! -------------------------------

face 1 1 8 3 7       # face 1 as the area inside edges 1, 8, 3, 7.
  free wx            # degrees of horizontal displacement are NOT fixed
    FEPOX FEPOX        # max. polynomial order of horizontal-DOF-shape functions in 
                       # x- and y-direction, respectively.
    true,              # true: use tensor ansatz space; false: use truncated ansatz space
  free wy            # degrees of vertical displacement are NOT fixed
    FEPOY FEPOY        # max. polynomial order of vertical-DOF-shape functions in 
                       # x- and y-direction, respectively.
    true               # true: use tensor ansatz space; false: use truncated ans
    condstf = true;  # The internal DOFs of this face are condensed; 
                     # i.e., they do not appear globally.
    geo=geof;        # describes geometry within element; negative values indicate 'no geometry'. 
    refine_max = 7;  # max. tree-depth to integrate over the boundary of the geometry

face 2 8 2 9 4   free wx FEPOY FEPOY true, free wy FEPOX FEPOX true 
  { condstf=true; geo=geof; refine_max=7; };
face 3 11 3 10 5 free wx FEPOY FEPOY true, free wy FEPOX FEPOX true 
  { condstf=true; geo=geof; refine_max=7; };
face 4 4 12 6 11 free wx FEPOX FEPOX true, free wy FEPOY FEPOY true 
  { condstf=true; geo=geof; refine_max=7; };

2.2   Define the finite elements

Fesslix parameter file
#! ===============================
#! Define the finite elements
#! ===============================

# Material that has Young's modulus 21e4kN/m^2 and Poisson's ratio 0.28 
  isomat 0 E 21e4 nu 0.28;

# Plane stress FE-elements
  elplanestr 1 1 {          # element 1 in face 1
      material    = 0;        # the material-number to assign to the element
      t           = 0.1;      # plate thickness [m]
      planestress = true;     # true: plane stress; false: plaine strain
elplanestr 2 2 { t=0.1; };
elplanestr 3 3 { t=0.1; };
elplanestr 4 4 { t=0.1; };

2.3   Define the loads

Fesslix parameter file
#! ===============================
#! Define the loads
#! ===============================
# Apply uniformly distributed load of 5kN/m on top of plate:
  eload 5 local wy pos=[-1,1] load=5;
  eload 6 local wy pos=[-1,1] load=5;

2.4   Solve the system

Fesslix parameter file
#! ===============================
#! Solve the system
#! ===============================

fem assdof;          # assemble degrees of freedom
fem assstf;          # assemble stiffness matrix
fem assforces;       # assemble forces
fem solve {          # solve the system
  printsol=false;      # setting this to true will output the entire solution vector
  pcn=4;               # employ a direct solver

2.5   Post-processing

Fesslix parameter file
#! ===============================
#! Post-processing
#! ===============================

#! -------------------------------
#! Displacement at upper left and right corner of plate
#! -------------------------------

# Output the vertical (wy) and horizontal (wx) displacement 
# at the left (node 6) and right (node 8) upper corner of the plate:
  funplot nodeu([6,wy]), nodeu([8,wy]), nodeu([6,wx]), nodeu([8,wx]);

#! -------------------------------
#! Vertical displacement at certain points
#! -------------------------------

# Vertical displacement at [-1,2]
  funplot elinfo(
          3,       # id of finite element
          wy,      # retrieve vertical displacement
          -1,      # local x-coordinate (value in [-1,1])
          0        # local y-coordinate (value in [-1,1])
  funplot elinfo(3,wy,0,0);    # Vertical displacement at [-1,1]
  funplot elinfo(3,wy,1,0), elinfo(1,wy,0,1);  # Vertical displacement at [-1,0]
  funplot elinfo(1,wy,0,0);    # Vertical displacement at [-1,-1]
  funplot elinfo(1,wy,0,-1);   # Vertical displacement at [-1,-1]

This displacement in the upper corners should be 1.16mm in vertical direction and 0.24mm in horizontal direction.

3   The complete input files of this tutorial

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